Tuesday, December 10, 2019
Miltons Paradise Lost has been praised since its edition as being the greatest English epic of all time Essay Example For Students
Miltons Paradise Lost has been praised since its edition as being the greatest English epic of all time Essay Miltons Paradise Lost has been praised since its edition as being the greatest English epic of all time, most stunningly in its authorquot;s realistic depiction of the fabled parents of humanity, Adam and Eve. How Milton chose to portray the original mother and father has been a focus of much criticism- especially with contemporary readers. One of the main subjects of these comments is in reference to Eve, who, according to many, is a trivial character that is rather naÃÆ'ÃâÃâà ¯ve, juvenile, and most definitely inferior to her mate. Nonetheless, which many do not recognize is that, surprisingly, after the fateful Fall, she becomes a much more evolved character. When Eve is introduced to the storyline of the epic, her character is shallow and extremely undeveloped, meant simply for display. She is quite firmly set as being inferior to her mate as a female in a predominantly male world. However, upon her decision to eat the apple from the Tree of Knowledge, her change is dramatic and she is no longer the simple character seriously lacking in depth of intellect or knowledge. Thus, as portrayed by Milton, the Fall of the parents of humanity is, in fact, an educational and developing process for Eve. Immediately upon the introduction of Eve to the epic she is clearly portrayed as being slightly dimwitted and unsophisticated, and seems to simply exist for the exhibition of her beauty and grace. She is shown as being desirable and extremely beautiful to look upon, as Milton often describes her beauty. Actually, the first time that Eve sees Adam she flees from him in fear, as he was not as beautiful as the image that she saw of herself in a pool of water. In fact, she was so infatuated with the image of herself that she would have remained had God not taken her away to meet her mate: Pleasd it returnd as soon with answering looks/ Of sympathy and love, there I fixt/ Mine eyes till now, and pind with vain desireÃÆ'à ¢Ã ¢Ã¢â¬Å¡Ã ¬Ãâà ¦ IV, 464-466. Milton discusses the scene through Eve and she is the one who describes what goes on. He does this because the scene happens in the past and therefore he uses her to discuss it rather than confusing the reader with a flashback type scene. He also has Eve relate what happened to prove that Eve must indeed be beautiful if she herself was taken by her looks as she discusses how she pined with vain desire IV, 466 for the image of her reflection. In fact, Eves beauty is discussed repeatedly. For example, when Satan first sees the human couple, he is overtaken by Eves beauty and submissive charms IV, 498. Milton even goes so far to stress her beauty and charms as to have her stun Satan himself with it. Actually, as Satan is on his mission to seduce Eve into eating the apple, her beauty overtakes him. If chance with nymphlike step fair virgin pass, What pleasing seemed, for her now pleases more, She most, and in her looks sums all delight; Such pleasure took the Serpent to behold This flowery plant, the sweet recess of Eve Thus early, thus alone; her heavenly form Angelic, but more soft and feminine, Her graceful innocence, her every air Of gesture or least action, overawed His malice, and with rapine sweet bereaved His fierceness of the fierce intent it brought. That space the Evil One abstracted stood From his own evil, and for the time remained Stupidly good, of enmity disarmed, Of guile, of hate, of envy, of revenge. IX, 452-466 Thus Milton creates an Eve that is so lovely that even the antagonist of the story temporarily forgets his cause to corrupt her upon sight of such beauty. She is called nymphlike and this is most definitely not the first time that Milton uses allusions to Greek and Roman mythology in the poem- such as calling her a wood-nymph light,/ Oread or Dryad, or Delias selfÃÆ'à ¢Ã ¢Ã¢â¬Å¡Ã ¬Ãâà ¦ IX, 386-387. At the time that the epic was written such stories were familiar to the average reader so a description of Eve alluding to these figures would create a very clear image of Eve in the mind of the reader of the time that the epic was written. Milton even stresses the irony of the entire situation by specifically naming Satan as the Evil One which strengthens the fact that the ultimate evil presence is for a moment, not so evil, just by looking at a woman so beautiful that he forgets his purpose- ironically making him in this seem more human. Adam, too, despite the fact that he spends every waking moment with her and sees her constantly, still is overtaken by her beauty and is loathe to part with her. Even while she convinces him to allow for the two of them to part in order for a more efficient work scheme, he long with ardent looks his eyes pursued/ Delighted, but desiring more her stay IX, 397-398. The majority of the description of Eve, however, is not through any character but rather through Milton with the parts whereupon he relates her to a nymph and Dryad as examples of his narrative description of her beauty. In fact, other than as titles given by other characters, mostly Adam, such as fairest of Creations IX, 896, there is little description to the reader, or even indication that she is indeed beautiful. The two greatest exceptions to this statement are from Raphael and Satan. Satan does compliment her beauty extravagantly with phrases such as Fairest resemblance of thy Maker fair,/ Thee all things living gaze on, all things thine/ By gift, and thy Celestial Beauty adore/ With ravishment beheldÃÆ'à ¢Ã ¢Ã¢â¬Å¡Ã ¬Ãâà ¦ IX, 538-541. Yet the fact that he, even self-admittedly, is using any method possible to seduce her into eating the apple including flattery makes these words have not a great impact onto the reader in terms of understanding and believing in her great beauty. However, Raphael very poetically describes her beauty with great eloquence as he is discussing the creation of Eve from Adams rib, the last part of his long story within the epic, which Milton uses in order to provide the reader with a background to the story without the need of starting the epic from before the fall of Satan himself. Upon describing the birth of Eve, he calls her Manlike, but different sex, so lovely fair, / that what seemd fair in all the World, seemd now/ Mean, or in her summd up, in her containdÃÆ'à ¢Ã ¢Ã¢â¬Å¡Ã ¬Ãâà ¦into all things from her air inspird/ the spirit of love and amorous delight. VIII, 471-485. Not only does this quite clearly suggest that the only purpose of Eve is for her looks and amorous delights but establishes her beauty as undeniable. Until this point, as mentioned, it is Milton that describes her. As the narrator and thus the objective voice, the reader takes what he mentions as fact. When he describes her elaborately, for example by saying a phrase such as She as a veil down to the slender waist/ Her unadorned golden tresses wore/ Dishevelld, but in wonton ringlets wavdÃÆ'à ¢Ã ¢Ã¢â¬Å¡Ã ¬Ãâà ¦ IV, 304-306 the undeniable picture of her is drawn in the readers mind. Milton confirms her beauty to his narrative references by the characters descriptions of her beauty with Rapaels as the most powerful as well as the pools refection scene to substantiate her beauty. Thus, Milton quite clearly portrays Eve as being a character initially meant simply for display and to perform womanly duties at best. For, quite obviously, she is not initially meant to be superior or even equal to Adam as it is a male society that she lives in. Generally Eve is lower than Adam in intelligence, in overall importance, in the hierarchy of life, and in her closeness to God. Milton shows her to be for God in IV, 299 and to be ruled over by him. In fact, Milton goes so far as to claim that if Adam had, in fact, done his duty and ruled over his mate, the Fall of Man would have never occurred . It is a masculine world that she lives in with all of the intelligent beings structured as being male. For, God is male, as are all of the angels. The fact that Milton describes a paternal rule XII, 24 and a fraternal state XII, 26 is, to be sure, an illustration of the concept of the world. There is a definite link between intelligence and thus knowledge to superiority. JD Salinger s Catcher in the Rye Compared to Mark Twains EssayStill, despite these obvious, and in some cases, blatant references to Eve as being lowly and trivial compared to her husband, Milton somehow manages to change this For it is after Eve decides to eat the apple from the Tree of Knowledge does she truly evolve into a character far more complex and superior than the previous one. After she eats the apple, by the time she finds Adam it is extremely apparent that her mind set is undeniably different. Her mind set is more developed and she is actively thinking through her situation, which, obviously, she previously failed to do. ÃÆ'à ¢Ã ¢Ã¢â¬Å¡Ã ¬Ãâà ¦But to Adam in what sort Shall I appear? Shall I to him make known As yet my change, and have him to partake Full happiness with me, or rather not, But keep the odds of knowledge in my power Without co-partner? so to add what want In the female sex, the more to draw and render me more equal, and perhaps, A thing not undesirable, sometime Superior- fro, inferior, who is free? This may be well; but what if God have seen, And death ensue? Then I shall be no more, And Adam, wedded to another Eve, Shall live with her enjoying, I extinct- A death to think. IX, 816-830 No longer does Eve think in terms of her and Adam and their mutual benefit but rather for her own benefit. She is now also intelligently going through all possible circumstances and fully realizes her own previous inferiority and the suppression of it For, inferior, who is free? IX, 825 and her present superiority. As mentioned, as Eve soliloquizes after having eaten the apple and muses over whether or not to share the apple she realizes her inferiority. As she has never soliloquized before, it is difficult for the assumption to be made that she has never been bitter about his fact. Yet she has never seemed bitter about the fact previous to this occasion and almost seemed to revel in Adams dominance over her. For example she claimed that without to no end, Guide/ And IV, 442-443 and in many occasions Milton describes her to yield and once to be in meek surrender IV, 494, for example. Another illustration of her newfound superiority is after Adam and Eve have both Fallen, and the two are within a state of conflict between one another as they both blame the other for their strife. After sharing carnal pleasures they hide themselves in shame of their sinful actions and then turn on one another with painfully true accusations. Adam claims had Eve hearkened to words, and stayed/ With , as besought ÃÆ'à ¢Ã ¢Ã¢â¬Å¡Ã ¬Ãâà ¦. had then/ Remained still happy, not, as now, despoiled/ Of all our good, shamed, naked, miserable. IX, 1134-11339. In response, Eve says: hadst been there Or here the attempt, couldst not have discerned Fraud in the Serpent, speaking as he spakeÃÆ'à ¢Ã ¢Ã¢â¬Å¡Ã ¬Ãâà ¦ Was to never parted from side? As good have grown there still, a lifeless rib. Being as , why didst not , the head, Command absolutely not to go, Going into such danger, as saidst? Too facile then, didst not much gainsay, Nay, didst permit, approve, and fair dismiss. Hadst been firm and fixed in dissent, Neither had transgressed, nor with me. IX, 1149-1161. This speech is extremely significant also in that she is for the first time contradicting Adam rather than humbly complying with his wishes. For, even though she contradicts him with the food scene she still does, at least, generally what he asks and her contradiction is more of a correction rather than a the rude contradiction that this statement is. She is no longer acting according to his wishes with the sole purpose of pleasing him but rather is proving her independence and individuality. Yet, neither is willing to take on any of the blame or is self-condemning IX, 1188- Eve for allowing herself to be enticed by Satan and Adam for allowing himself to be enticed by Eve. Yet, for the first time after the Fall, Adam is forcing his dominance onto her. Previously, only Milton and only subtly mentioned her lowliness and never Adam. Now, though, he becomes petty and insulting and makes it clear that he is the dominant: ÃÆ'à ¢Ã ¢Ã¢â¬Å¡Ã ¬Ãâà ¦. Thus it shall befall/ Him who to worth in Women overtrusting/ Lets her Will ruleÃÆ'à ¢Ã ¢Ã¢â¬Å¡Ã ¬Ãâà ¦ X, 1181-1184. It is Eve, however that initiated the mutual peace and causes for the two to push back their problems and to repent. She courageously approaches Adam and continues to plead her case despite his misogynist title of thou serpent X, 867 upon Eve and telling her to leave him. Still, with humility born out of the love that she feels for him begs his forgiveness for what she had done. Not so repulsed, with tears that ceasd not flowing, / And tresses all disorderd, at his feet/ Fell humble, and embracing them, besought/ his peaceÃÆ'à ¢Ã ¢Ã¢â¬Å¡Ã ¬Ãâà ¦ X, 910-913. Thus does she manage to bring peace between her and her spouse, remain humble in her taking of the blame and in the face of his cruel rebuffs, sacrifice herself in that repenta nce, and yet remain equal to Adam as they leave hand-in hand as they were in the beginning but were not ÃÆ'à ¢Ã ¢Ã¢â¬Å¡Ã ¬Ãâà ¦from her Husbands hand her hand/ Soft she withdrewÃÆ'à ¢Ã ¢Ã¢â¬Å¡Ã ¬Ãâà ¦ IX, 385-386 for a point in time when she went to the Tree. Through all of this, Milton manages also to make Eve the more courageous of the two. For it is Eve who confronts Adam from whom she has every reason to anticipate an insult, and also takes the blame. She is also brave in her proposal of killing themselves in repentance. Obviously, however, the idea is not used as Adam comes up with another plan. Milton gives her what is arguably the greatest victory within Paradise Lost, of obtaining the path to harmony, as well as the path to the continuation of the human race. Thus, while Eve is obviously portrayed as being the weaker before the Fall, she becomes the stronger after and uses the situation to her advantage to help rectify the situation while Adam is too busy dwelling in aggravated self pity. Thus she is courageous in her confrontation of Adam and starting an entirely new relationship with. If it was truly Adam who was the superior being, then Milton would have managed to at least not made him seem so bitter and petty as she sweetly and humbly initiated the peacemaking. Consequently, this is the first and last time that Adam manages to tear himself away from his wife. Thus Milton quite clearly creates the Fall of Man as an evolutionary process for Eve. Upon the introduction of Eve to the actual moment that she eats the apple she is clearly portrayed as being a figurehead to God, the angels, and especially Adam yet her intelligence is clearly lacking. Yet this seems to fit in the world that she lives in, as it is a clearly male superior world. Milton creates a dramatic evolutionary change in Eve as after she eats the apple from the Tree of Knowledge, her personality and overall role is that of a far more developed characters. Therefore, Milton within Paradise Lost creates a scene that is historically portrayed as being completely negative, the Fall of Man, as, in the end, being at least partly positive in that one of the main characters and causes of the entire episode, benefits by evolving into a character with far more overall development and purpose- thus allowing for the human race to at least in some way be the victor.
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